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时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:49


1. She has a pure heart and always sees the best in people. (她心地纯洁,总是看到人们的优点。)

2. The baby's laughter was pure joy. (宝宝的笑声是纯粹的快乐。)

3. The water from the mountain spring is pure and refreshing. (山泉水清澈纯净,让人感到清爽。)

4. His intentions are pure, and he only wants to help others. (他的意图是纯洁的,他只是想帮助别人。)

5. She wore a simple, pure white dress for the wedding. (她在婚礼上穿了一件简单纯洁的白色连衣裙。)

6. The artist's work reflects a pure and unadulterated expression of emotion. (艺术家的作品反映了纯粹和纯洁的情感表达。)

7. The air in the countryside is so pure compared to the city. (乡村的空气相比城市来说更加清新纯净。)

8. Her love for nature is pure and unwavering. (她对大自然的热爱是纯粹而坚定的。)

9. The singer's voice is pure and melodious. (歌手的声音纯净而悦耳。)

10. The pure joy on the children's faces as they played in the snow was a sight to behold. (孩子们在雪地里玩耍时脸上的纯真快乐是一种美丽的风景。)

11. The company's mission is to provide pure, natural products to its customers. (公司的使命是为顾客提供纯天然的产品。)

12. The dog's pure loyalty to its owner was heartwarming. (狗对主人的纯真忠诚令人感动。)

13. Her pure intentions shone through in her actions. (她的纯洁意图在她的行动中得到体现。)

14. The snow-capped mountain was a symbol of pure beauty. (白雪覆盖的山峰是纯净美丽的象征。)

15. The taste of the fresh fruit was pure and delicious. (新鲜水果的味道纯净而美味。)

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