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时间: 2024-09-29 00:50:21


1. The ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Giza as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu.


2. The pyramid scheme promised high returns but ultimately collapsed, leaving many investors with significant financial losses.


3. The food pyramid is a visual representation of a healthy diet, with grains and vegetables forming the base and fats and sweets at the top.


4. The pyramid of success, as envisioned by coach John Wooden, emphasizes building a strong foundation of character, hard work, and teamwork.


5. The company's management structure resembled a pyramid, with the CEO at the top and various levels of employees beneath.


6. The Mayan civilization is known for its impressive stepped pyramids, which were used for religious ceremonies and sacrifices.


7. The multi-level marketing company operated on a pyramid structure, with each member recruiting others to join and earn commissions.


8. The pyramid-shaped glass ceiling allowed natural light to illuminate the entire atrium of the building.


9. The corporate hierarchy resembled a pyramid, with fewer individuals at the top holding the most power and authority.


10. The fitness trainer instructed the class to perform a series of exercises that targeted the core muscles, emphasizing the importance of building a strong pyramid of strength.


11. The pyramid shape of the roof allowed rainwater to be collected and channeled into a reservoir for later use.


12. The hierarchical structure of the company resembled a pyramid, with each department reporting to the one above it.


13. The nutritionist explained the concept of the food pyramid and how it can guide individuals in making healthy eating choices.


14. The artist created a stunning sculpture in the shape of a pyramid, symbolizing strength, stability, and endurance.


15. The financial advisor explained the risks associated with pyramid schemes and warned clients to be cautious of any investment promising unrealistic returns.


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