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时间: 2024-09-29 00:49:24


1. It's only a quarter past ten, we still have plenty of time to catch the train. (现在才十点一刻,我们还有足够的时间赶上火车。)

2. I need a quarter to make a call from the payphone. (我需要一枚25美分的硬币才能从公用电话打电话。)

3. The company's profits have increased by a quarter this year. (公司今年的利润增长了四分之一。)

4. She cut the apple into quarters before serving it. (她在上菜之前把苹果切成了四瓣。)

5. The football team is trailing by a quarter in the game. (足球队在比赛中落后了一个节拍。)

6. He only has a quarter of the pizza left to eat. (他只剩下四分之一的披萨要吃了。)

7. She put a quarter of her salary into savings every month. (她每个月把工资的四分之一存入储蓄。)

8. The project is already a quarter of the way completed. (这个项目已经完成了四分之一的进度。)

9. The store is offering a discount of a quarter on all items today. (今天店里所有商品都打了四折。)

10. I just need a quarter cup of sugar for this recipe. (这个食谱只需要四分之一杯的糖。)

11. The marathon runners have just completed the first quarter of the race. (马拉松选手刚刚完成了比赛的四分之一。)

12. The company's stock price dropped by a quarter in just one day. (公司的股价在一天之内下跌了四分之一。)

13. She was born in the last quarter of the year. (她出生在年底的最后一个季度。)

14. The house is a quarter of a mile from the nearest bus stop. (这所房子离最近的公交车站有四分之一英里远。)

15. We're only a quarter of the way through the book. (我们只读完了书的四分之一。)

上一个 【英语】quantity的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】quarterback的例句



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