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时间: 2024-09-29 00:56:51


1. Please wait in the queue for your turn to be served. (请排队等候你的轮次来接受服务。)

2. The queue outside the concert venue was getting longer and longer. (音乐会场外的队伍越来越长。)

3. I need to join the queue to buy tickets for the movie. (我需要排队购买电影票。)

4. The queue at the supermarket checkout moved slowly. (超市收银台的队伍移动缓慢。)

5. There was a long queue at the bus stop during rush hour. (高峰时段公交车站排队人数众多。)

6. We had to stand in a queue for over an hour before we could enter the theme park. (我们不得不排队一个多小时才能进入主题公园。)

7. The queue for the new iPhone stretched around the block. (新iPhone的队伍绕着街区排了一圈。)

8. The queue moved quickly once more cashiers were opened. (开了更多的收银员后,队伍迅速移动起来。)

9. I couldn't find the end of the queue at the popular food truck. (我找不到热门食品车队伍的尽头。)

10. The queue for the popular restaurant was always long, but the food was worth the wait. (热门餐厅的队伍总是很长,但食物是值得等待的。)

11. The queue for the roller coaster ride was full of excited children. (过山车游乐项目的队伍里挤满了兴奋的孩子。)

12. The queue for the new video game release wrapped around the store. (新游戏发售的队伍绕着商店排了一圈。)

13. There was a queue of people waiting to use the ATM. (有一队人在等待使用自动取款机。)

14. The queue for the popular food festival snaked through the park. (热门美食节的队伍在公园里蜿蜒而过。)

15. The queue for the ferry to the island was moving steadily. (前往岛屿的渡轮队伍在稳步移动。)

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