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时间: 2024-09-29 02:46:38


1. The radiation from the sun can cause skin damage if proper precautions are not taken. (太阳辐射可能会导致皮肤受损,如果不采取适当的预防措施。)

2. The doctor explained that the radiation therapy would target the cancer cells. (医生解释说,放射治疗将瞄准癌细胞。)

3. The Geiger counter detected high levels of radiation near the nuclear power plant. (盖革计数器在核电站附近探测到高水平的辐射。)

4. The workers wore protective gear to shield themselves from radiation exposure. (工人们穿着防护装备,以保护自己免受辐射暴露。)

5. The radiation emitted by the microwave can heat food quickly and efficiently. (微波炉发射的辐射可以迅速高效地加热食物。)

6. After the nuclear accident, the area was monitored for radiation contamination. (核事故后,该地区受到辐射污染的监测。)

7. The radiation levels in the hospital were within safe limits for patients and staff. (医院的辐射水平处于患者和工作人员的安全范围内。)

8. The astronaut's spacesuit was designed to protect against cosmic radiation in space. (宇航员的宇航服被设计用来防护太空中的宇宙辐射。)

9. The radioactive material emitted harmful radiation that posed a danger to the environment. (放射性物质发出有害辐射,对环境构成危险。)

10. The radiation detector indicated a spike in levels near the nuclear waste storage facility. (辐射探测器显示在核废料存储设施附近水平出现了激增。)

11. The radiation caused the film to be overexposed, resulting in blurry images. (辐射导致胶片过度曝光,导致图像模糊不清。)

12. The radiation emitted by the X-ray machine can penetrate soft tissues to create detailed images of the body. (X射线机发射的辐射可以穿透软组织,以生成身体的详细影像。)

13. The radiation oncologist specializes in using radiation to treat cancer patients. (放射肿瘤学家专门使用辐射治疗癌症患者。)

14. The radiation emitted by the radioactive decay of elements can be harnessed for various applications. (放射性元素的放射衰变产生的辐射可以用于各种应用。)

15. The government issued a warning about potential radiation exposure from the nuclear test site. (政府发布了有关核试验场潜在辐射暴露的警告。)

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