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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:15


1. I love listening to the radio in the morning while I have breakfast.(我喜欢早上吃早餐时听收音机。)

2. The radio in my car is broken, so I can't listen to music while driving.(我的车上收音机坏了,所以我开车时不能听音乐。)

3. The radio announced that the concert had been canceled due to bad weather.(收音机宣布因天气恶劣而取消了音乐会。)

4. She turned on the radio to listen to the news updates.(她打开收音机听新闻更新。)

5. My grandparents still listen to the radio for their favorite shows.(我的祖父母仍然通过收音机收听他们喜欢的节目。)

6. The radio signal was weak, so we could barely hear the music.(收音机信号很弱,所以我们几乎听不到音乐。)

7. I heard the song on the radio and immediately looked it up online.(我在收音机上听到这首歌,立刻在网上查找。)

8. The radio broadcasted live from the scene of the accident.(收音机现场直播了事故现场。)

9. The radio host has a soothing voice that makes listening enjoyable.(收音机主持人的声音令人愉悦。)

10. I like to tune in to the radio station that plays classic rock.(我喜欢收听播放经典摇滚乐的收音机台。)

11. The radio program featured an interview with a famous author.(收音机节目邀请了一位著名作家进行采访。)

12. The radio is a great source of entertainment and information.(收音机是一个很好的娱乐和信息来源。)

13. I prefer listening to the radio over watching TV.(我更喜欢听收音机而不是看电视。)

14. The radio is an important tool for emergency communication.(收音机是重要的应急通讯工具。)

15. Many people rely on the radio for updates during natural disasters.(许多人在自然灾害期间依赖收音机获取最新消息。)

上一个 【英语】radical的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】radioactive的例句



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