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时间: 2024-09-29 02:48:53


1. The rainfall in the desert is extremely low, making it difficult for plants to grow.(沙漠地区的降雨量极低,使得植物难以生长。)

2. The heavy rainfall caused flooding in the city, leading to extensive damage to homes and infrastructure.(大雨导致城市发生洪水,造成房屋和基础设施的严重损坏。)

3. The farmers are worried about the lack of rainfall this year, as it may affect the crop yield.(农民们担心今年降雨量不足,可能会影响作物的产量。)

4. The tropical rainforest receives high annual rainfall, creating a lush and diverse ecosystem.(热带雨林每年降雨量很大,形成了茂密多样的生态系统。)

5. The weather forecast predicts heavy rainfall over the weekend, so be prepared for potential flooding.(天气预报预计周末将有大雨,所以要做好可能发生洪水的准备。)

6. The region's agriculture depends on the regular rainfall for successful crop cultivation.(该地区的农业依赖于规律的降雨才能成功种植作物。)

7. The annual rainfall in this area is significantly lower than the national average.(该地区的年降雨量明显低于全国平均水平。)

8. The heavy rainfall brought relief to the drought-stricken region, replenishing the depleted water sources.(大雨给干旱地区带来了缓解,补充了枯竭的水源。)

9. The rainfall patterns have been changing in recent years, impacting the local ecosystems and agriculture.(近年来,降雨模式发生了变化,影响了当地的生态系统和农业。)

10. The meteorologists are monitoring the rainfall levels closely to assess the risk of potential landslides in the mountainous areas.(气象学家正在密切监测降雨水平,以评估山区潜在滑坡的风险。)

11. The heavy rainfall filled up the reservoirs, ensuring a stable water supply for the city.(大雨使水库蓄满水,确保了城市的稳定供水。)

12. The insufficient rainfall has led to water shortages in the region, prompting the government to implement water-saving measures.(降雨不足导致该地区出现水资源短缺,促使政府实施节水措施。)

13. The farmers are hoping for steady rainfall throughout the growing season to ensure a bountiful harvest.(农民们希望在整个生长季节都能有稳定的降雨,以确保丰收。)

14. The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall to the coastal areas, often causing disruptions to transportation and daily life.(季风季节给沿海地区带来了大雨,经常导致交通和日常生活的中断。)

15. The local authorities have issued a warning about the forecasted heavy rainfall and potential flash floods in the area.(当地政府已经发布了一份警告,提醒该地区可能发生大雨和瞬时洪水。)

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