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时间: 2024-09-29 00:50:33


1. I like to sprinkle raisins on my oatmeal for added sweetness and texture.(我喜欢在燕麦片上撒些葡萄干,增加甜味和口感。)

2. The raisins in the cookie added a chewy, sweet element to the treat.(曲奇饼里的葡萄干增添了嚼劲和甜味。)

3. She packed a small box of raisins in her lunch as a healthy snack.(她在午餐里装了一小盒葡萄干作为健康零食。)

4. The raisins in the bread gave it a delightful burst of sweetness.(面包里的葡萄干给它增添了一丝愉悦的甜味。)

5. Raisins are often used in baking to add natural sweetness to desserts.(葡萄干常常被用来烘焙,为甜点增添天然甜味。)

6. He enjoys eating a handful of raisins as a quick energy boost.(他喜欢吃一把葡萄干来迅速补充能量。)

7. The raisins complemented the cheese and crackers on the charcuterie board.(葡萄干与香肠拼盘上的奶酪和饼干相得益彰。)

8. Raisins are a popular ingredient in trail mix due to their natural sweetness and portability.(葡萄干因其天然甜味和便携性而成为徒步小食中的热门食材。)

9. The oatmeal raisin cookies were a hit at the bake sale.(燕麦葡萄干饼干在义卖会上大受欢迎。)

10. Raisins can be used to add a touch of sweetness to savory dishes like couscous or rice pilaf.(葡萄干可以用来为蒸粗麦粉或米饭菜肴增添一抹甜味。)

11. She mixed raisins and nuts into her homemade granola for a nutritious breakfast option.(她在自制的燕麦片中加入了葡萄干和坚果,做成了一种有营养的早餐选择。)

12. Raisins are often included in fruit salads to provide a contrast in texture and flavor.(葡萄干常常被加入水果沙拉中,为口感和味道增添对比。)

13. The raisins plumped up nicely when soaked in warm water for the bread pudding.(葡萄干在温水中浸泡后膨胀得很好,用来做面包布丁。)

14. She added a handful of raisins to the curry for a touch of natural sweetness.(她在咖喱中加了一把葡萄干,增添了一抹天然甜味。)

15. Raisins are a good source of fiber and antioxidants, making them a healthy snack option.(葡萄干是纤维和抗氧化剂的良好来源,使其成为一个健康的零食选择。)



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