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时间: 2024-09-29 02:51:52


1. She would often ramble on about her travels, captivating the audience with her stories.(她经常滔滔不绝地讲述她的旅行经历,引人入胜地讲述她的故事。)

2. After a few drinks, he would start to ramble and talk about anything and everything.(喝了几杯酒后,他就开始胡言乱语,什么都说。)

3. The old man would ramble through the forest, lost in thought and enjoying the tranquility of nature.(老人漫步穿越森林,陷入沉思,享受大自然的宁静。)

4. When she gets nervous, she tends to ramble and lose track of what she's saying.(她紧张的时候,经常会唠叨不休,忘记她在说什么。)

5. The professor's lecture tended to ramble, making it difficult for the students to follow the main points.(教授的讲座往往冗长而杂乱,使学生难以抓住重点。)

6. He would often ramble on about his childhood memories, reminiscing about the good old days.(他经常滔滔不绝地讲述他的童年回忆,怀念过去的美好时光。)

7. The tour guide would ramble through the historical city, pointing out significant landmarks along the way.(导游漫步穿越历史悠久的城市,一路上指出重要的地标。)

8. When she's excited, she tends to ramble and talk a mile a minute.(当她兴奋的时候,她倾向于唠叨不休,滔滔不绝地说个没完。)

9. The old man would often ramble incoherently, lost in his own thoughts.(老人经常语无伦次地胡言乱语,陷入自己的思绪之中。)

10. As the politician continued to ramble, the audience grew increasingly restless.(随着政客继续胡言乱语,观众变得越来越不耐烦。)

11. Despite his rambling, he always managed to make a valid point in the end.(尽管他滔滔不绝,但最终总能提出一个有力的观点。)

12. The hiker would ramble along the mountain trail, taking in the breathtaking views.(徒步旅行者漫步在山间小道上,欣赏着令人叹为观止的景色。)

13. When she's tired, she tends to ramble and speak without much coherence.(当她累的时候,她倾向于胡言乱语,说话不太连贯。)

14. The speaker's rambling speech made it difficult for the audience to follow the main message.(演讲者的冗长的讲话使观众难以抓住主旨。)

15. Despite the rambling nature of his stories, he always managed to captivate his audience.(尽管他的故事内容杂乱无章,但总能吸引住他的听众。)

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