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时间: 2024-09-20 01:16:42


1. It's reasonable to expect a pay raise after working for the company for several years.(在公司工作了几年后期望加薪是合理的。)

2. The hotel offered a reasonable rate for the room, making it a good choice for budget travelers.(酒店提供了合理的房价,对于预算有限的旅行者来说是一个不错的选择。)

3. It's not reasonable to expect someone to work 60 hours a week without any overtime pay.(期望某人每周工作60小时而不加班费是不合理的。)

4. She made a reasonable argument for why she should be promoted to a higher position.(她提出了一个合理的理由,解释了为什么她应该被提升到更高的职位。)

5. The teacher's expectations for the students' performance were reasonable given the difficulty of the assignment.(老师对学生表现的期望是合理的,考虑到作业的难度。)

6. It's only reasonable to assume that traffic will be heavy during rush hour.(合理地假设交通在交通高峰期会很拥挤。)

7. The company has a reasonable policy regarding paid time off for employees.(公司对员工带薪休假有一个合理的政策。)

8. The customer's request for a refund was reasonable given the poor quality of the product.(考虑到产品质量很差,顾客要求退款是合理的。)

9. It's not reasonable to expect a child to sit still for hours without any entertainment.(期望孩子在没有任何娱乐的情况下坐着几个小时是不合理的。)

10. The judge's decision was reasonable based on the evidence presented in court.(法官的判决是合理的,基于法庭上呈现的证据。)

11. She made a reasonable offer on the house, and the seller accepted it.(她对这所房子提出了一个合理的报价,卖家接受了。)

12. The company has a reasonable dress code that allows for business casual attire.(公司有一个合理的着装规定,允许穿着商务休闲服装。)

13. It's reasonable to assume that prices will increase during the holiday season due to higher demand.(合理地假设价格在节假日季节会因为需求增加而上涨。)

14. The customer's complaint about the slow service was reasonable, and the restaurant offered a discount as compensation.(顾客对服务慢的投诉是合理的,餐厅提供了折扣作为补偿。)

15. The company's decision to expand its product line seems reasonable given the current market trends.(考虑到当前的市场趋势,公司决定扩大产品线似乎是合理的。)

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