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时间: 2024-10-06 20:58:10


1. I reckon it's going to rain today. (我估计今天会下雨。)

2. She reckons that the project will take at least six months to complete. (她估计这个项目至少需要六个月才能完成。)

3. Do you reckon we have enough time to catch the train? (你觉得我们有足够的时间赶上火车吗?)

4. He reckons himself to be an expert in the field of economics. (他自认为是经济领域的专家。)

5. I reckon we should leave early to avoid the traffic. (我认为我们应该早点出发以避开交通。)

6. The company's CEO reckons that the new product will be a game-changer in the industry. (公司的CEO认为新产品将会改变行业格局。)

7. I reckon he's not as innocent as he seems. (我估计他并不像他表面看起来那样无辜。)

8. She reckons that the cost of living in the city is too high. (她认为这个城市的生活成本太高。)

9. The team reckons that they can win the championship this year. (团队认为他们今年可以赢得冠军。)

10. I reckon we'll have to postpone the meeting until next week. (我认为我们得把会议推迟到下周。)

11. He reckons that the restaurant serves the best pizza in town. (他认为这家餐馆供应镇上最好吃的披萨。)

12. Do you reckon he'll be able to finish the race in record time? (你觉得他能否用最快的时间完成比赛?)

13. She reckons that the company's profits will double next year. (她估计公司的利润明年会翻一番。)

14. I reckon we should invest in new technology to improve our productivity. (我认为我们应该投资新技术以提高生产效率。)

15. The expert reckons that the stock market will experience a downturn in the coming months. (专家预计股市在未来几个月将出现下滑。)

上一个 【英语】reckless的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】recognise的例句



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