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时间: 2024-09-28 23:47:33


1. Please remove your shoes before entering the house. (请在进入房屋前脱鞋。)

2. The teacher asked the student to remove his hat during class. (老师要求学生在课堂上摘下帽子。)

3. The company decided to remove the old equipment and replace it with new ones. (公司决定移除旧设备,用新设备替换。)

4. I need to remove this stain from my shirt before it sets in. (我需要在它变得难以除去之前把衬衫上的污渍清理掉。)

5. The doctor will remove the stitches from your arm in a week. (医生将在一周后给你的手臂拆线。)

6. The city council plans to remove the old playground and build a new one. (市政府计划拆除旧操场,建设新的。)

7. Can you help me remove this heavy furniture to the other room? (你能帮我把这件沉重的家具搬到另一个房间吗?)

8. The company decided to remove the CEO from his position due to misconduct. (公司决定因为行为不端将CEO免职。)

9. Please remove all your personal belongings from the locker by the end of the day. (请在今天结束前将所有个人物品从储物柜中取出。)

10. The technician will remove the virus from your computer and install an antivirus program. (技术人员将清除你电脑中的病毒,并安装防病毒程序。)

11. The chef will remove the bones from the fish before cooking. (厨师会在烹饪前把鱼的骨头去掉。)

12. The court ordered the removal of the illegal structures from the property. (法院下令清除财产上的非法建筑。)

13. The new software allows users to remove red-eye from photos. (这个新软件可以让用户去除照片中的红眼效果。)

14. The dentist had to remove my wisdom tooth because it was causing pain. (牙医不得不拔掉我的智齿,因为它引起了疼痛。)

15. The environmental organization is working to remove plastic waste from the ocean. (环保组织正在努力清理海洋中的塑料垃圾。)

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