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时间: 2024-09-20 06:03:05


1. I like to ride my bike to work every day.(我喜欢每天骑自行车上班。)

2. She learned to ride a horse when she was young.(她小的时候学会了骑马。)

3. The children begged their parents to let them ride the roller coaster.(孩子们恳求父母让他们坐过山车。)

4. The motorcycle club went for a ride through the countryside.(摩托车俱乐部在乡间进行了一次骑行。)

5. He offered to give her a ride home after the party.(派对结束后,他主动提出送她回家。)

6. The rodeo rider tried to hold on for 8 seconds during the bull ride.(在骑牛比赛中,牛仔骑手努力保持8秒钟。)

7. The kids had a fun ride on the carousel at the fair.(孩子们在集市上的旋转木马上玩得很开心。)

8. We decided to take a ride in a hot air balloon for our anniversary.(我们决定在结婚纪念日时乘热气球出游。)

9. The skateboarder performed an impressive ride down the halfpipe.(滑板手在半管上进行了令人印象深刻的滑行。)

10. She enjoys taking a leisurely ride on her horse along the beach.(她喜欢在海滩上悠闲地骑马。)

11. The taxi driver offered a smooth ride to the airport.(出租车司机为我们提供了一次平稳的机场接送服务。)

12. The roller coaster ride was thrilling and exhilarating.(过山车的乘坐令人兴奋并激动。)

13. The mountain bike ride through the forest was challenging but rewarding.(穿越森林的山地车骑行挑战性很大,但也很有意义。)

14. She took her first ride in a helicopter and was amazed by the aerial views.(她第一次乘坐直升机,对空中的景色感到惊叹。)

15. The horse-drawn carriage ride through the city provided a charming and nostalgic experience.(马车穿城而过,提供了一次迷人而怀旧的体验。)

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