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时间: 2024-09-20 08:24:10


1. The hiker followed the ridge of the mountain to reach the summit. (这名徒步者沿着山脊向山顶攀登。)

2. The house was built on a ridge overlooking the valley. (这座房子建在能俯瞰山谷的山脊上。)

3. The farmer plowed the fields along the ridge to prevent soil erosion. (农民沿着山脊耕种以防止土壤侵蚀。)

4. The ridge of the roof was damaged in the storm. (屋顶的山脊在风暴中受损。)

5. The ridge of the wave crashed against the rocks. (浪峰拍打着岩石。)

6. We walked along the ridge of the canyon, enjoying the breathtaking view. (我们沿着峡谷的山脊行走,欣赏着令人叹为观止的景色。)

7. The ridge of the knife made it easy to cut through the tough meat. (刀的刃口使得切割坚韧的肉变得容易。)

8. The ridge of the music stand kept the sheet music in place. (音乐架的支脊让乐谱保持稳定。)

9. The ridge of the puzzle piece fit perfectly into the slot. (拼图的凸起部分完美地嵌入到槽中。)

10. The ridge of the bookshelf added a decorative touch to the furniture. (书架的凸起部分为家具增添了装饰效果。)

11. The ridge of the car roof helped to reduce wind resistance. (汽车车顶的隆起部分有助于减少风阻。)

12. The ridge of the snow-capped mountain sparkled in the sunlight. (雪山的山脊在阳光下闪闪发光。)

13. The hiker felt a sense of accomplishment as he reached the ridge. (徒步者到达山脊时感到一种成就感。)

14. The ridge of the sand dune shifted with the wind. (沙丘的山脊随风移动。)

15. The ridge of the glacier was a formidable obstacle for the climbers. (冰川的山脊对登山者来说是一道难以逾越的障碍。)

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