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时间: 2024-09-20 05:45:24


1. The roller coasted down the track at high speed, thrilling the passengers. (这个过山车以高速沿着轨道滑行,让乘客感到刺激。)

2. She used a roller to paint the walls of her living room. (她用滚筒刷来涂刷客厅的墙壁。)

3. The baker used a roller to flatten the dough before cutting out the cookies. (面包师傅在切饼干之前用滚筒把面团擀平。)

4. The steam roller smoothed out the newly paved road. (蒸汽压路机把新铺的道路压得平坦。)

5. He used a foam roller to massage his muscles after a workout. (他在锻炼后用泡沫滚轴按摩肌肉。)

6. The roller on the conveyor belt helped to move the heavy boxes. (传送带上的滚轴帮助移动沉重的箱子。)

7. The artist used a paint roller to cover the canvas with a base layer of color. (艺术家用油漆滚筒将画布涂上一层底色。)

8. The farmer used a roller to compact the soil before planting the seeds. (农民在种植种子前用滚筒压实土壤。)

9. The road construction crew used a roller to smooth out the asphalt. (道路施工队用滚压机把沥青压平。)

10. She ran the roller over the pastry dough to create a flaky texture. (她用滚筒在酥皮面团上滚动,制造出酥脆的质地。)

11. The printer used a roller to apply the ink evenly to the printing plate. (印刷工使用滚筒把油墨均匀地涂在印版上。)

12. The mechanic used a roller to maneuver under the car while making repairs. (修理工在维修时用滚轴在车底操作。)

13. The roller on the luggage bag made it easy to transport through the airport. (行李箱上的滚轴方便了在机场的携带。)

14. The baker used a roller to create a pattern on the pie crust. (面包师傅用滚筒在馅饼皮上制造图案。)

15. The roller on the office chair allowed for smooth movement across the floor. (办公椅上的滚轴让它在地板上平稳移动。)

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