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时间: 2024-09-22 14:51:29


1. The earth completes one full round around the sun in 365 days. (地球绕太阳完成一次完整的旋转需要365天。)

2. She won the first round of the competition. (她赢得了比赛的第一轮。)

3. The table is round, so everyone can see each other easily. (桌子是圆的,所以每个人都可以轻松看到对方。)

4. Let's round up all the supplies we need for the camping trip. (让我们把露营旅行所需的所有物品都准备齐全。)

5. The wheels of the car were perfectly round. (汽车的车轮非常圆。)

6. We gathered round the campfire to keep warm. (我们围着营火取暖。)

7. She rounded off her speech with a powerful quote. (她以一句有力的引语结束了她的演讲。)

8. The boxer delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to his opponent. (拳击手向对手猛烈地出一记回旋踢。)

9. The children sat in a circle and passed the ball round. (孩子们围成一圈,把球传来传去。)

10. The clock showed that it was nearly half past the hour, so she rounded it up to 3 o'clock. (时钟显示快到整点的时候,所以她把时间向上取整到3点。)

11. The committee rounded on the speaker with tough questions. (委员会向发言人提出了严厉的问题。)

12. We took a scenic drive around the countryside, enjoying the beautiful views. (我们在乡下进行了一次风景秀丽的驾驶游,欣赏美丽的景色。)

13. The project is coming to its final round of testing before launch. (该项目即将进入最后一轮测试,然后正式发布。)

14. She rounded out her meal with a delicious dessert. (她以美味的甜点结束了她的餐食。)

15. The coach gathered the team together to go over the game plan for the next round. (教练召集团队一起讨论下一轮比赛的战术。)

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