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时间: 2024-09-22 19:08:37


1. The heavy rain ruined our picnic plans. (大雨毁了我们的野餐计划。)

2. The economic crisis ruined many businesses. (经济危机毁了许多企业。)

3. His addiction to gambling ruined his family's finances. (他对赌博的沉迷毁了他家庭的财务状况。)

4. The graffiti ruined the historic building's facade. (涂鸦毁了这座历史建筑的外观。)

5. The scandal ruined the politician's career. (丑闻毁了这位政治家的职业生涯。)

6. The mold ruined the bread, making it inedible. (发霉使面包变质,无法食用。)

7. The fire ruined the entire warehouse, destroying all the inventory. (火灾毁了整个仓库,摧毁了所有库存。)

8. Her harsh words ruined their friendship. (她的尖酸刻薄的话毁了他们的友谊。)

9. The flood ruined the crops, causing a significant loss for the farmers. (洪水摧毁了庄稼,给农民造成了巨大损失。)

10. The virus ruined the computer's operating system. (病毒毁了电脑的操作系统。)

11. His reckless behavior ruined the project for everyone involved. (他的鲁莽行为毁了所有参与者的项目。)

12. The negative reviews ruined the restaurant's reputation. (负面评价毁了这家餐厅的声誉。)

13. The factory's pollution ruined the local environment. (工厂的污染毁了当地的环境。)

14. The betrayal ruined their trust in each other. (背叛毁了他们之间的信任。)

15. The storm ruined the outdoor wedding ceremony. (暴风雨毁了户外婚礼仪式。)

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