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时间: 2024-09-20 10:02:25


1. The Supreme Court ruling set a new precedent for future cases involving freedom of speech.(最高法院的裁决为未来涉及言论自由的案件设立了新的先例。)

2. The ruling party won the majority of seats in the parliament.(执政党赢得了议会中的大多数席位。)

3. The judge issued a ruling in favor of the plaintiff.(法官做出了支持原告的裁决。)

4. The court's ruling on the case was met with mixed reactions from the public.(法院对此案的裁决引发了公众的各种反应。)

5. The ruling of the referee was contested by the losing team.(裁判的裁决受到了失败的队伍的质疑。)

6. The ruling class held most of the power and wealth in the society.(统治阶层在社会中掌握着大部分权力和财富。)

7. The ruling of the international court was seen as a landmark decision in the field of human rights.(国际法院的裁决被视为人权领域的里程碑式决定。)

8. The ruling monarch made a decree that changed the course of history.(统治的君主发布了一项改变历史进程的法令。)

9. The ruling dynasty lasted for centuries before being overthrown.(这个统治王朝持续了几个世纪之久,直到被推翻。)

10. The court's ruling was based on a careful consideration of all the evidence presented.(法院的裁决是基于对所有呈交的证据的仔细考虑。)

11. The ruling elite maintained their position through a combination of wealth and influence.(统治的精英阶层通过财富和影响力的结合来维持他们的地位。)

12. The ruling of the judge was seen as fair and just by both parties.(法官的裁决被双方认为是公正的。)

13. The ruling ideology of the government shaped the policies and laws of the country.(政府的统治意识形态塑造了国家的政策和法律。)

14. The ruling council made decisions that affected the entire community.(统治委员会做出了影响整个社区的决定。)

15. The ruling king was known for his benevolent and just rule.(统治的国王以其仁慈和公正的统治而闻名。)

上一个 【英语】ruler的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】rumor的例句



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