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时间: 2024-09-20 11:31:25


1. He was given the sack for being late to work too often.(他因经常迟到被解雇了。)

2. The robbers looted the store and filled their sacks with stolen goods.(强盗洗劫了商店,用袋子装满了赃物。)

3. The quarterback was tackled and brought down behind the sack line.(四分卫被擒抱,被摔在了失去码线后面。)

4. She decided to sack her old job and pursue a new career in photography.(她决定辞去旧工作,追求摄影事业。)

5. The sack of flour burst open and spilled all over the kitchen floor.(面粉袋破裂了,洒了一地都是。)

6. The coach told the team to sack the quarterback on the next play.(教练告诉球队在下一次进攻中把四分卫擒抱。)

7. The company announced a sack of employees due to financial difficulties.(公司因财政困难宣布裁员。)

8. He packed his belongings into a sack and left the house.(他把自己的东西装进袋子,离开了房子。)

9. The sack race at the school's sports day was a fun event for the kids.(学校运动会的袋鼠跳比赛对孩子们来说是一个有趣的活动。)

10. The farmer filled a sack with freshly harvested potatoes.(农民用袋子装满了新收获的土豆。)

11. The team's defense managed to get a sack on the opposing team's quarterback.(球队的防守成功地擒抱了对方的四分卫。)

12. She used a sack of rice to prop open the door.(她用一袋大米撑开了门。)

13. He suffered a sack in the stock market crash, losing a significant portion of his investments.(他在股市崩盘中遭受了重大损失,失去了一大部分投资。)

14. The old man carried a sack of coal on his back to heat his home.(老人背着一袋煤炭回家取暖。)

15. The quarterback managed to escape the sack and make a successful pass.(四分卫设法躲过了擒抱,成功地传球。)

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