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时间: 2024-09-20 08:25:55


1. She couldn't help saying that she didn't like the new dress. (她情不自禁地说她不喜欢这件新裙子。)

2. The old saying "actions speak louder than words" is often true. (俗话说“事实胜于雄辩”往往是正确的。)

3. He kept repeating the same saying over and over again. (他一遍又一遍地重复着同样的格言。)

4. "Better late than never" is a saying that encourages perseverance. (“迟做总比不做好”是一句鼓励坚持不懈的谚语。)

5. She lived her life by the saying "live and let live." (她按照“活在世上,让别人活”这句谚语来过她的生活。)

6. The saying goes that laughter is the best medicine. (有句谚语说笑是最好的药。)

7. "Out of sight, out of mind" is a saying that reflects human nature. (“眼不见,心不烦”是一句反映人性的谚语。)

8. His actions spoke louder than any saying could. (他的行动胜过任何一句谚语。)

9. The old saying "a penny for your thoughts" was often used by his grandmother. (老话“一个便士换你的想法”经常被他的祖母使用。)

10. The saying "the early bird catches the worm" motivated him to wake up early. (谚语“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”激励着他早起。)

11. The saying "practice makes perfect" is particularly true in the field of music. (谚语“熟能生巧”在音乐领域尤为真实。)

12. "Two heads are better than one" is a saying that emphasizes the value of collaboration. (谚语“三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮”强调合作的价值。)

13. The saying "never judge a book by its cover" reminds us not to make assumptions based on appearances. (谚语“不要以貌取人”提醒我们不要凭外表就妄下判断。)

14. She always ends her emails with the saying "carpe diem." (她总是在邮件结尾写上“抓住今天”的谚语。)

15. The saying "love conquers all" gives hope to those facing difficult situations. (谚语“爱能征服一切”给那些面临困难的人带来希望。)

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