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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:58


1. The sudden noise scared the cat, and it ran away.(突然的声音吓跑了猫。)

2. I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to surprise you.(我不是故意吓唬你的,只是想给你个惊喜。)

3. The ghost stories told around the campfire always scare the younger campers.(篝火边讲的鬼故事总是吓唬着年轻的露营者。)

4. The horror movie was so scary that I couldn't sleep afterwards.(那部恐怖电影太吓人了,看完后我都睡不着。)

5. Don't sneak up on me like that, you scared me!(不要这样悄悄地从后面过来,你吓到我了!)

6. The loud thunder scared the little child, who started crying.(巨大的雷声吓到了小孩,他开始哭了。)

7. I'm not easily scared by horror movies, but that one was really creepy.(我不容易被恐怖电影吓到,但那部真的很可怕。)

8. The sudden appearance of the spider scared me, and I jumped back.(蜘蛛的突然出现吓到了我,我跳了一下。)

9. The haunted house tour was designed to scare visitors with spooky surprises.(闹鬼的房子游览是用来吓唬游客的,有各种恐怖的惊喜。)

10. I hope the loud thunder doesn't scare the dog, he's afraid of storms.(希望巨大的雷声不会吓到狗,他害怕暴风雨。)

11. The scary mask scared the little children at the Halloween party.(万圣节派对上的可怕面具吓到了小孩们。)

12. The sudden appearance of a snake scared the hiker, who quickly backed away.(蛇的突然出现吓到了徒步者,他迅速后退。)

13. Her scream of surprise scared the birds away from the trees.(她惊讶的尖叫声把鸟儿吓飞了。)

14. The loud bang of the fireworks scared the sleeping baby, who woke up crying.(烟花的巨响吓到了正在睡觉的宝宝,他哭醒了。)

15. The sudden appearance of the ghost scared the guests at the haunted house.(闹鬼的房子里鬼魂的突然出现吓到了客人。)

上一个 【英语】scarcity的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】scared的例句



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