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时间: 2024-10-06 21:02:17


1. She scrubbed the floor until it sparkled.(她擦地板擦得闪闪发光。)

2. After a long hike, she enjoyed a refreshing scrub in the shower.(长途徒步后,她在淋浴中享受了一次清爽的擦洗。)

3. The mechanic scrubbed the engine clean before starting the repair.(修理工在开始维修前清洗了发动机。)

4. I like to use a gentle scrub on my face to exfoliate dead skin cells.(我喜欢用温和的磨砂膏去角质。)

5. The kitchen needed a good scrub to get rid of all the grease and grime.(厨房需要彻底清洗才能去除所有的油腻和污垢。)

6. She scrubbed the graffiti off the wall with a brush and some cleaning solution.(她用刷子和清洁剂把墙上的涂鸦擦掉了。)

7. The scrub on the hillside was covered in wildflowers.(山坡上的灌木丛长满了野花。)

8. The doctor advised the patient to use a gentle scrub to cleanse the wound.(医生建议病人用温和的擦洗剂清洁伤口。)

9. As part of her daily routine, she uses a body scrub in the shower.(作为日常例行程序的一部分,她在淋浴时使用身体磨砂膏。)

10. The old wooden deck needed a thorough scrub to remove the mold and mildew.(旧木甲板需要彻底清洗以去除霉菌和霉点。)

11. The scrubby terrain made it difficult for the hikers to find a clear path.(灌木丛覆盖的地形使得徒步者很难找到一条清晰的路径。)

12. She scrubbed the pots and pans until they shone like new.(她擦洗锅碗瓢盆,直到它们闪闪发光。)

13. The scrub was so dense that it was hard to see through.(灌木丛太密集,几乎看不透。)

14. The mechanic used a wire brush to scrub the rust off the metal surface.(修理工用钢丝刷把金属表面的锈擦掉。)

15. The spa offers a luxurious body scrub treatment for its clients.(这家水疗中心为客户提供豪华的身体磨砂护理。)

上一个 【英语】screw的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】sculpture的例句



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