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时间: 2024-10-07 00:52:24


1. The sea was calm and peaceful as the sun set on the horizon. (大海在太阳落下的地平线上平静而宁静。)

2. The sailor had spent years exploring the vast sea. (这位水手花了多年时间探索广阔的海洋。)

3. The children collected seashells along the shore of the sea. (孩子们在海边收集贝壳。)

4. The stormy sea tossed the boat around like a toy. (暴风雨中的海洋像玩具一样把船摇来摇去。)

5. The sea breeze provided a refreshing relief from the heat. (海风给人一种清爽的凉意,解除了酷热。)

6. The sea is home to a diverse range of marine life. (海洋是各种多样的海洋生物的家园。)

7. The ancient mariner had many tales of his adventures at sea. (这位古老的水手有许多关于他在海上冒险的故事。)

8. The sea glistened under the moonlight, creating a mesmerizing sight. (海水在月光下闪闪发光,形成了令人着迷的景象。)

9. The sea level has been rising due to climate change. (由于气候变化,海平面一直在上升。)

10. The sea stretched out before them, vast and seemingly endless. (大海在他们面前一望无际,广阔而似乎无尽。)

11. She loved to sit by the sea and listen to the soothing sound of the waves. (她喜欢坐在海边聆听波浪的舒缓声音。)

12. The ship sailed across the sea, heading towards a distant land. (船只穿越海洋,驶向遥远的陆地。)

13. The sea is a source of inspiration for many artists and writers. (海洋是许多艺术家和作家的灵感之源。)

14. The sea was teeming with colorful fish and coral reefs. (海洋中有着五颜六色的鱼和珊瑚礁。)

15. The sea holds a sense of mystery and wonder for those who explore its depths. (对于那些探索海洋深处的人来说,海洋充满了神秘和奇迹的感觉。)

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