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时间: 2024-10-07 06:55:10


1. The seam of the dress was expertly sewn, creating a smooth and polished look.(裙子的接缝被熟练地缝制,使其看起来平整而光滑。)

2. Be careful not to pull on the seam of the fabric, as it may unravel.(小心不要拉扯织物的接缝,否则可能会松开。)

3. The seam of the basketball was coming apart, so it needed to be re-stitched.(篮球的接缝正在松开,所以需要重新缝制。)

4. The seam of the boat's hull was sealed to prevent water from leaking in.(船体的接缝被密封,以防止水漏进来。)

5. She ran her finger along the seam of the book's spine, feeling the rough edges of the pages.(她用手指沿着书脊的接缝划过,感受到了页面的粗糙边缘。)

6. The seam of the carpet was fraying, so it needed to be repaired.(地毯的接缝已经开始脱线,所以需要修补。)

7. The seam of the jeans was reinforced with extra stitching to make it more durable.(牛仔裤的接缝用额外的缝线加固,使其更耐穿。)

8. The seam of the leather bag was carefully finished with a decorative stitch.(皮包的接缝被用装饰性的缝线精心处理。)

9. The seam of the road was filled in with asphalt to repair the cracks.(道路的接缝被填补了沥青,以修补裂缝。)

10. As she peeled back the wallpaper, she discovered a hidden seam where the two patterns met.(当她剥掉墙纸时,发现了两种图案相遇处隐藏的接缝。)

11. The seam of the tennis ball split open after being hit with great force.(网球被用力击中后,接缝裂开了。)

12. He carefully aligned the seam of the tiles before pressing them into place.(他小心地将瓷砖的接缝对齐,然后将它们压入位置。)

13. The seam of the cake was covered with a layer of icing, hiding any imperfections.(蛋糕的接缝被一层糖衣覆盖,隐藏了任何瑕疵。)

14. The seam of the curtain was sewn with a contrasting thread to add a decorative touch.(窗帘的接缝用对比的线缝制,增添了装饰效果。)

15. She used a special tool to create a perfect seam along the edge of the fabric.(她使用了特殊的工具,沿着织物的边缘制作出完美的接缝。)

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