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时间: 2024-09-20 11:40:45


1. The seaport was bustling with activity as ships unloaded their cargo. (这个海港繁忙地进行着活动,船只正在卸货。)

2. The seaport is a major hub for international trade. (这个海港是国际贸易的主要枢纽。)

3. The seaport is a vital link between the island and the mainland. (这个海港是岛屿和大陆之间的重要联系。)

4. The seaport was heavily damaged in the storm, disrupting shipping operations. (这个海港在风暴中受到严重破坏,导致航运作业中断。)

5. The seaport authorities are implementing new security measures to prevent smuggling. (海港当局正在实施新的安全措施,以防止走私活动。)

6. The seaport offers stunning views of the ocean and the surrounding landscape. (这个海港提供着令人惊叹的海洋和周围风景。)

7. The seaport is undergoing expansion to accommodate larger vessels. (这个海港正在进行扩建,以容纳更大的船只。)

8. The seaport is a key entry point for imported goods. (这个海港是进口货物的主要入境口岸。)

9. The seaport is a popular tourist attraction, with its historic buildings and maritime heritage. (这个海港因其历史建筑和海事遗产而成为热门旅游景点。)

10. The seaport plays a crucial role in the local economy, supporting fishing, shipping, and tourism industries. (这个海港在当地经济中扮演着至关重要的角色,支持着渔业、航运和旅游业。)

11. The seaport is located at the mouth of a river, providing easy access to inland transportation routes. (这个海港位于一条河流的入海口,便于进入内陆交通线路。)

12. The seaport serves as a strategic military base for naval operations. (这个海港作为海军行动的战略军事基地。)

13. The seaport is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for cargo handling and storage. (这个海港配备了最先进的货物处理和存储设施。)

14. The seaport is the main gateway for exporting the country's goods to international markets. (这个海港是出口本国商品到国际市场的主要门户。)

15. The seaport is a crucial node in the global shipping network, connecting various regions and facilitating trade. (这个海港是全球航运网络中至关重要的节点,连接着不同地区并促进贸易。)

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