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时间: 2024-10-06 20:52:04


1. The police were able to seize a large quantity of illegal drugs during the raid.(警方在突袭行动中成功查获了大量非法毒品。)

2. The government has the power to seize private property for public use under certain circumstances.(政府有权在特定情况下征用私人财产用于公共利益。)

3. The company was able to seize a significant portion of the market share with its innovative product.(该公司凭借创新产品成功占据了市场的重要份额。)

4. The rebel forces attempted to seize control of the capital city.(叛军力图夺取对首都的控制权。)

5. The prosecutor is seeking to seize the assets of the accused in connection with the embezzlement case.(检察官正试图在挪用公款案件中查封被告的资产。)

6. The soldier managed to seize the enemy's weapon during the skirmish.(士兵在小规模战斗中成功夺取了敌人的武器。)

7. The ambitious young entrepreneur was determined to seize every opportunity for success.(这位雄心勃勃的年轻企业家决心抓住一切成功的机会。)

8. The police were able to seize the stolen artwork before it could be smuggled out of the country.(警方在艺术品被走私出境前成功扣押了被盗艺术品。)

9. The military operation was planned to seize control of the strategic mountain pass.(军事行动旨在占领战略要地的山口。)

10. The detective was determined to seize the opportunity to catch the elusive criminal.(侦探决心抓住抓捕难缠的罪犯的机会。)

11. The new government promised to seize the opportunity for economic reform.(新政府承诺抓住经济改革的机会。)

12. The company's aggressive marketing strategy allowed it to seize a dominant position in the industry.(公司的激进营销策略使其在行业中占据了主导地位。)

13. The rebel forces attempted to seize control of the government buildings.(叛军试图夺取对政府大楼的控制权。)

14. The rival company tried to seize our clients by offering them better deals.(竞争对手公司试图通过提供更好的交易条件夺取我们的客户。)

15. The team's star player managed to seize victory with a last-minute goal.(球队的明星球员在最后时刻打进一球夺取了胜利。)

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