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时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:05


1. The new movie created a sensation with its groundbreaking special effects.(这部新电影以其开创性的特效引起了轰动。)

2. Her performance at the concert was a sensation, leaving the audience in awe.(她在音乐会上的表演引起了轰动,让观众惊叹不已。)

3. The news of the celebrity's engagement caused a sensation in the media.(这位名人订婚的消息在媒体上引起了轰动。)

4. The sensation of the warm sun on her skin made her feel alive.(温暖的阳光照在皮肤上的感觉让她感到生机勃勃。)

5. The spicy food created a burning sensation in his mouth.(辛辣的食物在他的口中引起了灼热的感觉。)

6. The roller coaster ride gave her a thrilling sensation of speed and excitement.(过山车的体验给了她一种刺激的速度和兴奋感。)

7. He couldn't shake off the sensation of being watched.(他无法摆脱被观察的感觉。)

8. The sensation of falling in love is often described as euphoric and overwhelming.(坠入爱河的感觉常被描述为欢欣鼓舞和压倒一切。)

9. The sensation of touch is essential for experiencing the world around us.(触觉是我们体验周围世界的重要感觉。)

10. The controversial art piece caused a sensation in the art community.(这件有争议的艺术品在艺术界引起了轰动。)

11. She experienced a tingling sensation in her fingers after sitting in an awkward position for too long.(她因为长时间保持不舒服的姿势而感到手指发麻。)

12. The sensation of fear overwhelmed her as she entered the dark, abandoned building.(当她走进黑暗的废弃建筑物时,恐惧感充斥着她。)

13. The soothing sensation of a warm bath helped her relax after a long day.(温暖的浴缸带来的舒适感帮助她在漫长的一天后放松下来。)

14. The comedian's jokes created a sensation of laughter throughout the audience.(这位喜剧演员的笑话引起了观众的大笑。)

15. The sensation of nostalgia washed over her as she visited her childhood home.(当她参观她的童年家园时,怀旧的感觉涌上心头。)

上一个 【英语】send的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】sensational的例句



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