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时间: 2024-09-20 14:22:31


1. She received a harsh sentence for her crime.(她因犯罪受到了严厉的判决。)

2. His sentence was reduced after he cooperated with the police.(在他与警方合作之后,他的刑期被减轻了。)

3. The judge handed down a lenient sentence to the first-time offender.(法官对初犯者判了一个宽大的刑罚。)

4. He served his sentence in a maximum-security prison.(他在一所最高级别的监狱里服刑。)

5. The court imposed a heavy sentence on the drug trafficker.(法庭对毒品走私者判了重刑。)

6. She pleaded for a lighter sentence, but the judge was unmoved.(她请求轻刑,但法官没有动摇。)

7. The sentence for the crime was the maximum allowed by law.(该罪行的刑罚是法律所允许的最高刑罚。)

8. He completed his sentence and was released from prison.(他完成了刑期并且出狱了。)

9. The jury deliberated for hours before reaching a sentence.(陪审团经过数小时的研究才做出了判决。)

10. The judge read the sentence aloud in the courtroom.(法官在法庭上大声宣读判决。)

11. The sentence was commuted from death penalty to life imprisonment.(刑罚由死刑改为终身监禁。)

12. The defendant's lawyer argued for a suspended sentence.(被告的律师为缓刑进行了辩护。)

13. The sentence was overturned on appeal due to new evidence.(由于新的证据,判决在上诉中被推翻。)

14. The judge delivered a stern sentence, condemning the defendant's actions.(法官做出了严厉的判决,谴责了被告的行为。)

15. The sentence was handed down after a lengthy trial.(经过漫长的审判后做出了判决。)


1. 她因犯罪受到了严厉的判决。

2. 在他与警方合作之后,他的刑期被减轻了。

3. 法官对初犯者判了一个宽大的刑罚。

4. 他在一所最高级别的监狱里服刑。

5. 法庭对毒品走私者判了重刑。

6. 她请求轻刑,但法官没有动摇。

7. 该罪行的刑罚是法律所允许的最高刑罚。

8. 他完成了刑期并且出狱了。

9. 陪审团经过数小时的研究才做出了判决。

10. 法官在法庭上大声宣读判决。

11. 刑罚由死刑改为终身监禁。

12. 被告的律师为缓刑进行了辩护。

13. 由于新的证据,判决在上诉中被推翻。

14. 法官做出了严厉的判决,谴责了被告的行为。

15. 经过漫长的审判后做出了判决。

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