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时间: 2024-10-06 17:54:02


1. The serpent slithered through the grass, its scales glistening in the sunlight.(蛇在草丛中蠕动,它的鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光。)

2. In many cultures, the serpent is seen as a symbol of rebirth and transformation.(在许多文化中,蛇被视为重生和转变的象征。)

3. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the serpent as a powerful deity.(古埃及人崇拜蛇作为强大的神灵。)

4. The serpent coiled itself around the tree branch, waiting for its prey to pass by.(蛇盘绕在树枝上,等待着猎物经过。)

5. The serpent's venom is highly potent and can cause paralysis in its victims.(蛇的毒液非常强大,可以导致受害者瘫痪。)

6. According to the legend, the hero slew the serpent to save the village from its terror.(根据传说,英雄杀死了蛇,拯救了村庄免受恐惧。)

7. The serpent's sinuous movements captivated the onlookers as it danced to the music.(蛇的蜿蜒动作吸引了围观者,它随着音乐起舞。)

8. The ancient text described the serpent as a cunning and deceptive creature.(古代的文献把蛇描述为狡猾和欺诈的生物。)

9. The serpent's forked tongue flickered in and out as it tasted the air for prey.(蛇的分叉舌头在空气中来回舔舐,寻找猎物。)

10. The serpent in the garden tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit, leading to the fall of humanity.(花园里的蛇诱惑夏娃吃了禁果,导致了人类的堕落。)

11. The serpent's brilliant colors and patterns served as a warning to potential predators.(蛇鲜艳的颜色和图案对潜在的捕食者起到了警示作用。)

12. In some cultures, the serpent is revered as a symbol of wisdom and healing.(在一些文化中,蛇被尊崇为智慧和治愈的象征。)

13. The serpent's hiss echoed through the cave, sending shivers down the explorers' spines.(蛇的嘶嘶声在洞穴中回荡,使探险者不寒而栗。)

14. The serpent shed its skin, revealing a shiny new layer underneath.(蛇蜕皮,露出了一层崭新的闪亮皮肤。)

15. According to the folklore, the village was protected by a mystical serpent that lived in the nearby lake.(根据民间传说,村庄受到附近湖中居住的神秘蛇的保护。)

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