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时间: 2024-10-06 20:03:06


1. Please set the table for dinner. 请摆好餐桌准备吃饭。

2. She set the alarm clock for 6 am. 她把闹钟设定在早上6点。

3. The sun sets in the west. 太阳在西方落山。

4. The teacher set a difficult homework assignment. 老师布置了一个难的家庭作业。

5. He set a new record in the 100m sprint. 他在100米短跑中创造了新的记录。

6. She carefully set the vase on the table. 她小心地把花瓶放在桌子上。

7. The company set ambitious goals for the next year. 公司为明年设定了雄心勃勃的目标。

8. The doctor set the broken bone. 医生把骨折定位。

9. They set up a new business together. 他们一起创办了一家新的企业。

10. The book set the scene for a thrilling adventure. 这本书为一个惊险的冒险故事设定了背景。

11. He set out on a journey to explore the world. 他开始了一次探索世界的旅行。

12. The artist set his sights on creating a masterpiece. 艺术家着眼于创作一部杰作。

13. She set the rules for the game. 她为游戏设定了规则。

14. The committee set a date for the next meeting. 委员会确定了下次会议的日期。

15. The movie set a new standard for special effects. 这部电影为特效设定了新的标准。

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