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时间: 2024-09-20 01:16:20


1. The ship sailed across the ocean to deliver goods to the port. (这艘船航行过海洋,将货物送到港口。)

2. The cruise ship stopped at several exotic islands during the journey. (这艘游轮在旅途中停靠了几个风情岛屿。)

3. The navy ship patrolled the waters to ensure maritime security. (海军舰艇在水域巡逻,确保海上安全。)

4. The captain and crew worked together to navigate the ship through the storm. (船长和船员合作,驾驶船只穿越风暴。)

5. The cargo ship transported a large shipment of goods from one continent to another. (货船运送了一大批货物从一个大陆到另一个。)

6. The luxury yacht is a magnificent ship with all the amenities for a comfortable voyage. (这艘豪华游艇是一艘设施齐全、舒适航行的壮丽船只。)

7. The pirate ship was notorious for raiding merchant vessels in the Caribbean. (这艘海盗船因在加勒比海劫掠商船而臭名昭著。)

8. The container ship unloaded its cargo at the busy port before setting sail again. (集装箱船在繁忙的港口卸下货物后再次出发。)

9. The old ship was preserved as a museum to showcase its historical significance. (这艘老船被保留为博物馆,展示其历史意义。)

10. The research ship conducted experiments and collected data in the remote Antarctic waters. (这艘研究船在偏远的南极水域进行实验并收集数据。)

11. The fishing ship returned to the harbor with a bountiful catch of fresh seafood. (这艘渔船带着丰富的新鲜海鲜回到了港口。)

12. The warship was equipped with advanced weaponry and defense systems. (这艘军舰配备了先进的武器和防御系统。)

13. The steamship revolutionized transportation by offering faster and more reliable travel. (蒸汽船通过提供更快更可靠的旅行方式,彻底改变了交通运输。)

14. The shipwreck on the reef was a haunting reminder of the perils of the sea. (礁石上的沉船是对海上危险的令人不安的提醒。)

15. The rescue ship arrived in time to save the stranded sailors from the deserted island. (救援船及时赶到,将滞留在荒岛上的船员们救了出来。)

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