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时间: 2024-10-06 22:53:27


1. The situation at work is getting more and more stressful. (工作情况越来越紧张。)

2. I'm sorry, I can't make it to the meeting due to a family situation. (对不起,由于家庭情况,我不能参加会议。)

3. The situation in the country is quite unstable right now. (目前国家的局势非常不稳定。)

4. How should we handle this delicate situation? (我们应该如何处理这种微妙的情况?)

5. The situation is under control, there's no need to panic. (局势已经得到控制,不必惊慌。)

6. She's in a difficult situation and needs our support. (她处于困难境地,需要我们的支持。)

7. The situation is rapidly deteriorating, we need to act quickly. (情况正在迅速恶化,我们需要迅速行动。)

8. I'm not sure how to handle this situation, it's quite complex. (我不确定如何处理这种情况,它相当复杂。)

9. We need to assess the situation before making any decisions. (在做出任何决定之前,我们需要评估情况。)

10. The situation seems to be improving, which is a relief. (情况似乎在好转,这让人松了一口气。)

11. The situation calls for a diplomatic approach. (这种情况需要采取一种外交手段。)

12. I'll brief you on the situation when we meet. (我们见面时我会向你简要介绍情况。)

13. It's a difficult situation, but I believe we can overcome it together. (这是一个困难的情况,但我相信我们可以共同克服它。)

14. The situation demands immediate action. (情况要求立即采取行动。)

15. The situation has become quite complicated, we need to find a solution quickly. (情况变得非常复杂,我们需要迅速找到解决办法。)

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