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时间: 2024-10-06 22:42:47


1. She wore a flowing floral skirt to the garden party.(她穿了一条飘逸的花裙去参加花园派对。)

2. The ballerina twirled gracefully in her tutu skirt.(芭蕾舞者在她的芭蕾裙中优雅地旋转。)

3. I need to buy a new pencil skirt for the office.(我需要为办公室买一条新的铅笔裙。)

4. The little girl's skirt was covered in glitter and sequins.(小女孩的裙子上布满了闪闪发光的亮片和小珠。)

5. She hiked up her skirt to wade through the shallow water.(她提起裙子涉过浅水。)

6. The traditional Scottish kilt is a type of skirt worn by men.(传统的苏格兰裙是一种男性穿的裙子。)

7. The flamenco dancer's skirt swirled as she moved to the music.(佛拉明戈舞者随着音乐的节奏摇曳的裙摆。)

8. She chose a midi skirt that fell just below the knee.(她选择了一条及膝下垂的中长裙。)

9. The bride's wedding skirt was adorned with delicate lace.(新娘的婚纱裙上镶嵌着精致的蕾丝。)

10. The cheerleaders wore short pleated skirts for the halftime performance.(啦啦队员们在中场表演时穿着短裙。)

11. The designer showcased a collection of bold, colorful skirts on the runway.(设计师在T台上展示了一系列大胆、色彩丰富的裙子。)

12. She tied her apron over her skirt before starting to cook.(她在开始烹饪之前系上了围裙。)

13. The hula dancer's grass skirt rustled as she swayed her hips.(呼啦舞者摇曳的裙摆发出沙沙的声音。)

14. The fashion model strutted down the catwalk in a long, elegant skirt.(时装模特在T台上展示一条长长的优雅裙子。)

15. Her skirt billowed in the wind as she stood on the cliff overlooking the ocean.(她站在悬崖上俯瞰大海,裙子在风中翻飞。)

上一个 【英语】skip的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】skull的例句



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