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时间: 2024-10-07 02:52:18


1. The small kitten played with a ball of yarn.(小猫咪玩着毛线球。)

2. She wore a small, delicate necklace around her neck.(她戴着一条小巧精致的项链。)

3. The small child clung to her mother's hand.(小孩紧紧抓住妈妈的手。)

4. We live in a small town with a close-knit community.(我们住在一个人情味浓厚的小镇。)

5. He had a small portion of the cake.(他吃了一小块蛋糕。)

6. The small airplane landed smoothly on the runway.(小飞机平稳地降落在跑道上。)

7. She had a small, cozy apartment in the city.(她在城市里有一间小而温馨的公寓。)

8. The small group of friends gathered for a picnic in the park.(一小群朋友在公园里聚会野餐。)

9. The small dog barked excitedly at the sight of its owner.(小狗看到主人兴奋地叫了起来。)

10. She planted small flowers in the garden.(她在花园里种了一些小花。)

11. The small child struggled to reach the door handle.(小孩挣扎着想够到门把手。)

12. The small restaurant was known for its delicious homemade pies.(这家小餐馆以美味的家制派而闻名。)

13. He had a small role in the school play.(他在学校的剧目中扮演了一个小角色。)

14. The small stream flowed peacefully through the forest.(小溪在森林中平静地流淌着。)

15. She had a small scar on her cheek from a childhood accident.(她脸颊上有一个小小的疤痕,是小时候的意外留下的。)

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