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时间: 2024-10-07 01:56:00


1. Smoking is harmful to your health and can increase the risk of developing lung cancer. 吸烟对健康有害,会增加患肺癌的风险。

2. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but now I've quit for good. 我过去每天抽一包烟,但现在我已经戒烟了。

3. Smoking is not allowed in this area, please find a designated smoking area. 该区域禁止吸烟,请去指定的吸烟区域。

4. My grandfather died of smoking-related illnesses, so I've never picked up a cigarette. 我的祖父因吸烟引起的疾病去世了,所以我从来没抽过烟。

5. The government has implemented stricter regulations on smoking in public places. 政府在公共场所实施了更严格的吸烟规定。

6. I can't stand the smell of smoke, so I avoid being around people who are smoking. 我受不了烟味,所以避免和吸烟的人在一起。

7. Many countries have launched anti-smoking campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking. 许多国家开展了反吸烟运动,以提高人们对吸烟危害的意识。

8. The doctor advised him to quit smoking in order to improve his overall health. 医生建议他戒烟以改善他的整体健康状况。

9. I can't believe how much money I used to spend on smoking each month. 我简直无法相信我过去每个月在吸烟上花了这么多钱。

10. Secondhand smoke can be just as harmful as directly smoking a cigarette. 二手烟可能和直接吸烟一样有害。

11. The smoking ban in restaurants and bars has significantly improved the air quality in those establishments. 餐馆和酒吧的禁烟令显著改善了这些场所的空气质量。

12. She started smoking as a teenager, but now regrets ever picking up the habit. 她十几岁开始抽烟,但现在后悔曾经养成这个习惯。

13. The new packaging regulations aim to make smoking less appealing, especially to young people. 新的包装规定旨在减少吸烟的吸引力,尤其是对年轻人。

14. His doctor warned him that smoking was exacerbating his asthma symptoms. 他的医生警告他,吸烟加重了他的哮喘症状。

15. The company policy strictly prohibits smoking on the premises, including e-cigarettes. 公司政策严禁在场内吸烟,包括电子烟。


1. 吸烟对健康有害,可能增加患肺癌的风险。

2. 我过去每天抽一包烟,但现在我已经戒烟了。

3. 该区域禁止吸烟,请去指定的吸烟区域。

4. 我的祖父因吸烟引起的疾病去世了,所以我从来没抽过烟。

5. 政府在公共场所实施了更严格的吸烟规定。

6. 我受不了烟味,所以避免和吸烟的人在一起。

7. 许多国家开展了反吸烟运动,以提高人们对吸烟危害的意识。

8. 医生建议他戒烟以改善他的整体健康状况。

9. 我简直无法相信我过去每个月在吸烟上花了这么多钱。

10. 二手烟可能和直接吸烟一样有害。

11. 餐馆和酒吧的禁烟令显著改善了这些场所的空气质量。

12. 她十几岁开始抽烟,但现在后悔曾经养成这个习惯。

13. 新的包装规定旨在减少吸烟的吸引力,尤其是对年轻人。

14. 他的医生警告他,吸烟加重了他的哮喘症状。

15. 公司政策严禁在场内吸烟,包括电子烟。

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