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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:32


1. The so-called "experts" have been proven wrong time and time again.(所谓的“专家”一再被证明错误。)

2. She is the so-called friend who betrayed me.(她就是那个所谓的朋友,背叛了我。)

3. The so-called "miracle cure" turned out to be a scam.(所谓的“神奇疗法”结果是个骗局。)

4. The so-called leader of the group was nowhere to be found when the trouble started.(所谓的领导人在麻烦开始时却不见踪影。)

5. The so-called "healthy" snack was actually full of sugar and additives.(所谓的“健康”零食实际上充满了糖和添加剂。)

6. He is the so-called expert in the field, but his knowledge is limited.(他是这个领域的所谓专家,但他的知识有限。)

7. The so-called love letter was actually a breakup note.(所谓的情书实际上是一封分手信。)

8. The so-called "once in a lifetime opportunity" turned out to be a scam.(所谓的“千载难逢的机会”结果是个骗局。)

9. The so-called "easy" recipe was actually quite complicated.(所谓的“简单”食谱实际上相当复杂。)

10. The so-called "luxury" hotel was rundown and dirty.(所谓的“豪华”酒店破旧而肮脏。)

11. The so-called "peace talks" were just a facade for political maneuvering.(所谓的“和平谈判”只是政治操作的幌子。)

12. The so-called "exclusive club" was open to anyone with enough money.(所谓的“独家俱乐部”对任何有足够钱的人开放。)

13. The so-called "expert advice" was nothing more than common sense.(所谓的“专家建议”只不过是常识而已。)

14. The so-called "environmentally friendly" product was actually harmful to the environment.(所谓的“环保”产品实际上对环境有害。)

15. The so-called "bestseller" book was poorly written and uninteresting.(所谓的“畅销书”写得很糟糕,毫无趣味。)

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