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时间: 2024-09-22 06:20:51


1. I'm sorry for being late. (对不起,我迟到了。)

2. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. (对不起,我不是故意伤害你的感情。)

3. Sorry, I can't make it to the meeting today. (抱歉,我今天不能参加会议。)

4. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. (听到你的损失我感到很抱歉。)

5. Sorry, I forgot to return your book. (对不起,我忘记还你的书了。)

6. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. (对不起,我不是故意打断你。)

7. Sorry for the confusion, let me clarify. (抱歉让你感到困惑,让我来澄清一下。)

8. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. (对于误会,我很抱歉。)

9. Sorry, I didn't realize you were waiting for me. (对不起,我没有意识到你在等我。)

10. I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience. (如果我造成了任何不便,我很抱歉。)

11. Sorry for the inconvenience, the elevator is out of order. (抱歉给您带来不便,电梯坏了。)

12. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step on your foot. (对不起,我不是故意踩到你的脚的。)

13. Sorry, I didn't mean to take your seat. (对不起,我不是故意坐在你的座位上。)

14. I'm sorry for the mistake, I will correct it right away. (对于错误,我很抱歉,我会立即纠正。)

15. Sorry for the delay, we will start the presentation shortly. (抱歉耽搁了,我们马上开始演示。)

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