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时间: 2024-09-22 09:00:34


1. Please spare me a few minutes of your time to discuss this matter. (请给我几分钟时间来讨论这个问题。)

2. I always keep a spare set of keys in case I lose the original. (我总是备有一套备用钥匙,以防原来的丢失。)

3. Can you spare some change for the parking meter? (你能给一些零钱给停车计费器吗?)

4. We have a spare room if you need a place to stay. (如果你需要住的地方,我们有一个空房间。)

5. I will spare no effort in completing this project on time. (我会不遗余力地按时完成这个项目。)

6. Do you have a spare pen I could borrow? (你有多余的笔我可以借用吗?)

7. The spare tire in my car is flat, so I need to get it fixed. (我车上的备胎没气了,所以需要修理一下。)

8. I always keep a spare battery for my camera when I go on long trips. (我出远门时总是备有相机的备用电池。)

9. I can't spare any more time for this task, I have other deadlines to meet. (我不能再抽出更多时间来做这个任务,我还有其他的截止日期要满足。)

10. Please spare some thought for how your actions might affect others. (请考虑一下你的行为可能会对他人造成的影响。)

11. He was spared from punishment because of his cooperation with the authorities. (由于他和当局的合作,他被免除了惩罚。)

12. I always carry a spare umbrella in case it rains unexpectedly. (我总是备有一把备用雨伞,以防意外下雨。)

13. The company had to let go of some employees to spare expenses. (公司不得不裁员以节省开支。)

14. We have a spare ticket for the concert if you'd like to join us. (如果你想加入我们,我们有一张多余的音乐会门票。)

15. Can you spare some advice on how to improve my presentation skills? (你能给一些关于如何提高我的演讲技巧的建议吗?)

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