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时间: 2024-09-22 06:29:23


1. The spatial arrangement of the furniture in the room created a cozy atmosphere.(房间里家具的空间布局营造出了温馨的氛围。)

2. The architect designed the building with a focus on spatial efficiency.(建筑师设计了这栋建筑,注重空间利用效率。)

3. The spatial distribution of resources in the area has a significant impact on the local economy.(该地区资源的空间分布对当地经济有着重大影响。)

4. The map displayed the spatial relationship between the different landmarks.(地图展示了各个地标之间的空间关系。)

5. The company conducted a spatial analysis to determine the best location for their new office.(公司进行了空间分析,确定了新办公室的最佳位置。)

6. Spatial awareness is important for tasks such as driving and navigating unfamiliar places.(空间意识对于驾驶和在陌生地方导航等任务至关重要。)

7. The artist used light and shadow to create a sense of spatial depth in the painting.(艺术家利用光影在画作中营造了空间深度感。)

8. The spatial dimensions of the room made it challenging to find furniture that fit properly.(房间的空间尺寸使得找到合适的家具变得具有挑战性。)

9. The urban planner considered the spatial organization of the city when proposing infrastructure improvements.(城市规划师在提出基础设施改进方案时考虑了城市的空间组织。)

10. The satellite imagery provided a detailed view of the spatial patterns of vegetation across the region.(卫星图像提供了该地区植被空间模式的详细视图。)

11. The spatial proximity of the two buildings allowed for easy access between them.(两栋建筑之间的空间接近使得它们之间的通行非常方便。)

12. The study aimed to explore the impact of spatial distribution on social interactions within the community.(该研究旨在探讨空间分布对社区内社会互动的影响。)

13. The museum’s exhibit used interactive displays to engage visitors in exploring spatial concepts.(博物馆的展品利用互动展示吸引游客探索空间概念。)

14. The spatial orientation of the building allowed for maximum exposure to natural light.(建筑的空间定位使其能够最大限度地接受自然光照。)

15. The research project involved creating a spatial model to simulate traffic flow in the city.(该研究项目涉及创建一个空间模型,模拟城市中的交通流量。)

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