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时间: 2024-09-20 11:05:43


1. She delivered a powerful speech at the conference, inspiring everyone in the audience.(她在会议上发表了一篇激动人心的演讲,激励了在场的每个人。)

2. His speech was filled with passion and conviction, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.(他的演讲充满了激情和信念,给观众留下了深刻的印象。)

3. The president's speech addressed the pressing issues facing the nation.(总统的讲话涉及了国家面临的紧迫问题。)

4. During her speech, she emphasized the importance of education for all children.(在她的演讲中,她强调了对所有孩子教育的重要性。)

5. The keynote speech at the event was delivered by a renowned expert in the field.(活动的主题演讲由该领域的知名专家发表。)

6. His speech was eloquent and persuasive, swaying the opinions of many in the audience.(他的演讲雄辩而有说服力,改变了许多观众的观点。)

7. The commencement speech encouraged graduates to pursue their dreams with determination.(毕业典礼上的演讲鼓励毕业生坚定地追求自己的梦想。)

8. In his speech, he paid tribute to the brave men and women who serve in the military.(在他的演讲中,他向为军队服务的勇敢男女致敬。)

9. The speech was delivered in multiple languages to accommodate the diverse audience.(为了迎合多样化的观众,演讲用多种语言进行了表达。)

10. Her acceptance speech at the awards ceremony was heartfelt and emotional.(她在颁奖典礼上的获奖感言真挚而情感丰富。)

11. The speech was met with enthusiastic applause from the crowd.(演讲受到了观众热烈的掌声。)

12. His speech was well-researched and backed by solid evidence.(他的演讲经过了深入的研究,并有坚实的证据支持。)

13. The speech captivated the audience, holding their attention from start to finish.(演讲吸引了观众,从头到尾都保持了他们的注意力。)

14. The speaker's speech was characterized by its sincerity and authenticity.(演讲以其真诚和真实性为特点。)

15. The closing speech of the event summarized the key points and highlighted the achievements.(活动的闭幕演讲总结了要点,并强调了取得的成就。)



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