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时间: 2024-10-07 15:50:59


1. He suffered a stroke last year and has been recovering ever since. (他去年中风了,一直在康复。)

2. The doctor warned him about the risk of having a stroke due to high blood pressure. (医生警告他高血压可能导致中风。)

3. She noticed her father's speech was slurred, a common symptom of a stroke. (她注意到她父亲的言语有些含糊,这是中风的常见症状。)

4. After the stroke, he had to undergo extensive physical therapy to regain his mobility. (中风后,他不得不接受大量的物理治疗来恢复活动能力。)

5. The stroke left him with partial paralysis on one side of his body. (中风让他的身体一侧部分瘫痪了。)

6. She was relieved when her grandmother's stroke was diagnosed early and treated promptly. (她很放心,她奶奶的中风得到了及时诊断和治疗。)

7. The hospital has a specialized unit for stroke patients, providing comprehensive care and rehabilitation. (医院设有专门的中风病人单位,提供全面的护理和康复。)

8. He has been taking medication to prevent another stroke from occurring. (他一直在服药以防止再次发生中风。)

9. The stroke caused damage to the part of the brain that controls movement and coordination. (中风造成了对控制运动和协调的大脑部分的损害。)

10. Recognizing the signs of a stroke and seeking immediate medical attention can improve the chances of recovery. (认识中风的迹象并及时就医可以提高康复的机会。)

11. The nurse monitored the patient's blood pressure closely to prevent a potential stroke. (护士密切监测病人的血压,以防止潜在的中风。)

12. After the stroke, he had to relearn how to perform basic daily tasks such as eating and dressing. (中风后,他不得不重新学习如何进行基本的日常任务,如进食和穿衣。)

13. The stroke survivor shared his story of recovery to inspire others facing similar challenges. (中风幸存者分享了他的康复故事,以鼓舞其他面临类似挑战的人。)

14. She participated in a research study aiming to improve post-stroke rehabilitation techniques. (她参与了一个旨在改进中风后康复技术的研究。)

15. The stroke support group provided emotional and practical assistance to both patients and their families. (中风支持小组为患者及其家人提供了情感和实际上的帮助。)

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