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时间: 2024-10-07 19:59:49


1. She has a strong personality and is not easily influenced by others. (她性格坚强,不容易受到他人的影响。)

2. The strong winds knocked down several trees in the area. (强风刮倒了该地区的几棵树。)

3. He has a strong work ethic and always gives his best effort. (他有强烈的职业道德感,总是尽最大努力。)

4. The medicine has a strong, unpleasant taste. (这种药味道浓烈,令人不愉快。)

5. The team showed a strong performance in the championship game. (该队在冠军赛中表现出色。)

6. She has a strong love for animals and volunteers at the local animal shelter. (她对动物有着深厚的爱,经常在当地动物收容所做义工。)

7. The company has a strong presence in the international market. (该公司在国际市场上有着强大的影响力。)

8. He has a strong desire to succeed in his career. (他有强烈的事业成功欲望。)

9. The strong smell of coffee filled the room. (浓郁的咖啡味充满了整个房间。)

10. The team built a strong bond through their shared experiences. (团队通过共同经历建立了牢固的联系。)

11. The strong sunlight caused the ice to melt quickly. (强烈的阳光导致冰融化得很快。)

12. She has a strong sense of responsibility and always completes her tasks on time. (她有着强烈的责任感,总是及时完成任务。)

13. The strong competition pushed him to work harder and improve his skills. (激烈的竞争促使他更加努力,提高自己的技能。)

14. The strong earthquake caused widespread damage to the city. (强烈的地震给城市造成了广泛的破坏。)

15. The strong emotions in the room were palpable as the family reunited after years apart. (家人多年后团聚,房间里弥漫着浓烈的情感。)

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