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时间: 2024-09-20 11:30:45


1. I love going to the beach in the summer to soak up the sun and swim in the ocean.(我喜欢在夏天去海滩晒太阳和在海里游泳。)

2. We always have a family barbecue in the summer, it's a tradition.(我们家每年夏天都会举行家庭烧烤,这是一个传统。)

3. Summer is the perfect time to go on a road trip and explore new places.(夏天是去旅行探索新地方的绝佳时机。)

4. The summer heat can be unbearable, especially in the desert.(夏天的炎热有时让人难以忍受,尤其是在沙漠中。)

5. I always look forward to the summer holidays when I can relax and unwind.(我总是盼着夏天假期,这时候可以放松休息。)

6. Summer evenings are magical, with the sun setting and the stars coming out.(夏天的傍晚很有魔力,太阳落山,星星开始出现。)

7. In the summer, the flowers are in full bloom and the gardens look beautiful.(夏天,花朵盛开,花园看起来美丽动人。)

8. I always get a tan in the summer because I love spending time outdoors.(我夏天总是会晒黑,因为我喜欢在户外度过时间。)

9. Summer storms can be intense, with thunder and lightning lighting up the sky.(夏天的暴风雨可能很激烈,雷声和闪电点亮天空。)

10. Some people find it hard to sleep in the summer because of the heat.(有些人因为夏天的炎热而难以入睡。)

11. Summer festivals are a great way to celebrate the season with music, food, and fun.(夏天的节日是庆祝季节的好方法,有音乐、美食和乐趣。)

12. I always wear sunglasses in the summer to protect my eyes from the bright sunlight.(夏天我总是戴太阳镜,保护我的眼睛不受强烈阳光伤害。)

13. Summer is the time for ice cream, cold drinks, and refreshing treats.(夏天是吃冰淇淋、喝冷饮和享受清凉美食的时候。)

14. I love the sound of the waves crashing on the shore in the summer, it's so soothing.(我喜欢夏天海浪拍打岸边的声音,那种声音很舒缓。)

15. Summer evenings are perfect for stargazing and admiring the constellations.(夏天的傍晚是观赏星空和仰望星座的绝佳时机。)

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