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时间: 2024-09-19 11:22:22


1. The company is committed to using sustainable materials in their products, such as recycled plastic and bamboo.(这家公司致力于在其产品中使用可持续材料,如再生塑料和竹子。)

2. We need to find a sustainable solution to our energy needs, such as investing in solar power or wind energy.(我们需要找到可持续的能源解决方案,比如投资太阳能或风能。)

3. The farmer practices sustainable agriculture, rotating crops and using natural fertilizers to maintain the health of the soil.(这位农民实行可持续农业,轮作庄稼并使用天然肥料以保持土壤的健康。)

4. The government is promoting sustainable transportation by investing in public transit and bike lanes.(政府正在通过投资公共交通和自行车道来推广可持续交通。)

5. The fashion industry is increasingly focusing on sustainable fashion, using eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices.(时尚行业越来越注重可持续时尚,使用环保材料和道德生产实践。)

6. The hotel has implemented sustainable practices, such as reducing water usage and minimizing waste.(这家酒店已经实施了可持续的做法,比如减少用水和最小化浪费。)

7. The city is working towards sustainable urban development by creating green spaces and promoting public transportation.(这座城市正在努力实现可持续的城市发展,通过建设绿色空间和推广公共交通。)

8. The company's sustainable business model focuses on long-term growth while minimizing environmental impact.(这家公司的可持续商业模式注重长期增长,同时最小化环境影响。)

9. The university is conducting research on sustainable energy sources, aiming to find alternative solutions to fossil fuels.(这所大学正在进行可持续能源来源的研究,旨在找到替代化石燃料的解决方案。)

10. The non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting sustainable living practices through education and community outreach.(这家非营利组织致力于通过教育和社区外展来推广可持续生活实践。)

11. The government has introduced a sustainable fishing policy to protect marine ecosystems and preserve fish populations.(政府出台了可持续渔业政策,以保护海洋生态系统并保护鱼类种群。)

12. The construction company is using sustainable building materials to reduce the environmental impact of their projects.(这家建筑公司正在使用可持续建筑材料,以减少其项目对环境的影响。)

13. The restaurant sources its ingredients from sustainable farms and supports local producers.(这家餐厅的食材来自可持续农场,并支持本地生产者。)

14. The government is investing in sustainable forestry practices to ensure the long-term health of the country's forests.(政府正在投资可持续林业实践,以确保国家森林的长期健康。)

15. The community is working together to create a sustainable future for the next generation, focusing on environmental conservation and renewable energy.(社区正在共同努力为下一代创造可持续的未来,重点关注环境保护和可再生能源。)

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