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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:08


1. A swarm of bees descended upon the garden, buzzing loudly as they collected nectar from the flowers. (一群蜜蜂飞来花园,嗡嗡作响地采集花蜜。)

2. The sky was darkened by a swarm of locusts, threatening to devour the crops in their path. (一大群蝗虫遮蔽了天空,威胁着要吞噬它们经过的庄稼。)

3. As the picnicers enjoyed their lunch, a swarm of ants suddenly appeared, marching in a long line towards the food. (当野餐者们享用午餐时,一群蚂蚁突然出现,成行地向食物进发。)

4. The beach was evacuated due to a swarm of jellyfish that had washed ashore, posing a danger to swimmers. (因一群水母涌上岸,对游泳者构成威胁,海滩被疏散了。)

5. In the distance, a swarm of birds could be seen circling above the fields, likely searching for insects to feed on. (在远处,可以看到一群鸟在田野上空盘旋,很可能是在寻找昆虫觅食。)

6. The city was abuzz with excitement as a swarm of protesters marched through the streets, demanding change. (一群抗议者走过街头,要求改变,城市里充满了兴奋的声音。)

7. The air was filled with the sound of buzzing as a swarm of mosquitoes descended upon the campsite, forcing everyone to seek refuge in their tents. (一群蚊子飞来营地,嗡嗡作响,迫使每个人都躲进帐篷里。)

8. The garden was overrun by a swarm of butterflies, their colorful wings creating a beautiful spectacle. (一群蝴蝶充满了花园,它们五颜六色的翅膀形成了一幅美丽的景象。)

9. A swarm of fans gathered outside the stadium, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their favorite celebrities. (一群粉丝聚集在体育场外,急切地等待着他们最喜爱的名人的到来。)

10. The farmer watched helplessly as a swarm of locusts devoured his entire crop, leaving nothing behind. (农民眼睁睁地看着一大群蝗虫吞噬了他的整个庄稼,一无所有。)

11. A swarm of students poured out of the school gates, excited for the start of their summer vacation. (一群学生涌出学校大门,为暑假的开始而兴奋。)

12. The market was bustling with activity as a swarm of shoppers filled the aisles, eager to find the best deals. (一群购物者挤满了货架,迫不及待地寻找最好的交易,在市场上热闹非凡。)

13. The garden was alive with the sound of buzzing as a swarm of bees went about their work, pollinating the flowers. (花园里充满了嗡嗡声,一群蜜蜂忙着工作,给花儿授粉。)

14. A swarm of paparazzi surrounded the celebrity, flashing their cameras and shouting questions as she tried to make her way through the crowd. (一群仔队围着这位名人,闪光灯不断,他们向她提问,她费劲地穿过人群。)

15. The sky was filled with a swarm of hot air balloons, creating a colorful and majestic sight. (天空中挂满了一群热气球,形成了一幅多姿多彩、宏伟壮观的景象。)

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