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时间: 2024-10-06 18:48:58


1. I was feeling tense before the big presentation. (我在做大型演讲之前感到紧张。)

2. The atmosphere in the room was tense as the negotiations continued. (随着谈判的进行,房间里的气氛变得紧张。)

3. The tense silence was broken by a sudden loud noise. (紧张的沉默被突然的巨响打破。)

4. She spoke in a tense voice, indicating her anxiety. (她以紧张的声音说话,显示了她的焦虑。)

5. The tense muscles in his neck showed the stress he was under. (他颈部的紧绷肌肉显示了他所承受的压力。)

6. The situation became tense as the deadline approached. (随着截止日期的临近,情况变得紧张起来。)

7. His tense expression revealed his inner turmoil. (他紧张的表情显示了他内心的矛盾。)

8. The tense confrontation between the two rivals was finally resolved. (两个对手之间的紧张对峙最终得到了解决。)

9. The tense political climate led to widespread unrest. (紧张的政治氛围导致了广泛的动荡。)

10. The tense anticipation of the results kept everyone on edge. (对结果的紧张期待让每个人都焦虑不安。)

11. His tense posture indicated his unease in the situation. (他紧张的姿势显示了他在这种情况下的不安。)

12. The tense situation required careful handling to avoid escalation. (紧张的局面需要谨慎处理,以避免升级。)

13. The tense relationship between the two countries was a cause for concern. (两国之间紧张的关系引起了担忧。)

14. She could feel the tense energy in the room as the argument unfolded. (她感受到了房间里在争论中逐渐升级的紧张氛围。)

15. The tense wait for the test results was finally over. (对测试结果的紧张等待终于结束了。)

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