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时间: 2024-09-15 02:25:53


1. She is taller than her sister. (她比她妹妹高。)

2. I would rather stay home than go out tonight. (今晚我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。)

3. This book is more interesting than the one I read last week. (这本书比我上周读的那本更有趣。)

4. My cat is lazier than yours. (我的猫比你的猫懒。)

5. He would rather walk than take the bus. (他宁愿走路也不愿坐公交车。)

6. She is more talented than her classmates. (她比她的同学更有天赋。)

7. I'd rather have coffee than tea. (我宁愿喝咖啡也不愿喝茶。)

8. This restaurant is better than the one we went to last time. (这家餐厅比我们上次去的那家好。)

9. I'd rather be early than late. (我宁愿早到也不愿迟到。)

10. He is more diligent than his colleagues. (他比他的同事更勤奋。)

11. I'd rather save money than spend it all. (我宁愿存钱也不愿花光。)

12. She is more patient than her brother. (她比她的哥哥更有耐心。)

13. I'd rather have a salad than a burger for lunch. (我宁愿吃沙拉也不愿吃汉堡作午餐。)

14. This movie is more exciting than the one we watched last week. (这部电影比我们上周看的那部更刺激。)

15. I'd rather go for a walk than stay indoors all day. (我宁愿出去散步也不愿整天呆在室内。)

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