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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:11


1. The company shall provide the necessary equipment and tools, and the cost thereof shall be borne by the employer. (公司将提供必要的设备和工具,其费用将由雇主承担。)

2. The contract stipulates the terms of payment and the consequences of late payment thereof. (合同规定了付款条款以及延迟付款的后果。)

3. The report discusses the current market trends and the implications thereof for our business. (报告讨论了当前的市场趋势及其对我们业务的影响。)

4. The new law introduces stricter penalties for violations thereof. (新法律对其违反的处罚更加严厉。)

5. The document outlines the procedures for handling confidential information and the consequences of unauthorized disclosure thereof. (该文件概述了处理机密信息的程序以及未经授权披露的后果。)

6. The new software has several advanced features, and the benefits thereof are evident in the improved efficiency of our operations. (新软件具有一些先进的功能,其好处在于我们运营效率的提高上是显而易见的。)

7. The terms and conditions of the insurance policy and the coverage thereof are clearly explained in the brochure. (保险单的条款和条件以及其覆盖范围在宣传册中得到了清楚的解释。)

8. The price of the product includes the cost of shipping and handling thereof. (产品的价格包括了运输和处理的费用。)

9. The report details the findings of the investigation and the recommendations thereof for improving workplace safety. (报告详细说明了调查结果及其改善工作场所安全的建议。)

10. The lease agreement specifies the responsibilities of the tenant for maintenance and repairs of the property and the costs thereof. (租赁协议明确规定了租户对物业的维护和修理责任以及其费用。)

11. The terms of the loan agreement and the repayment schedule thereof are subject to negotiation between the borrower and the lender. (贷款协议的条款和还款计划须由借款人和贷款人协商确定。)

12. The construction project includes the installation of new equipment and the testing thereof to ensure proper functioning. (建设项目包括安装新设备及其测试以确保正常运行。)

13. The company's financial report provides a breakdown of expenses and the allocation thereof to different departments. (公司的财务报告详细列出了开支及其分配给不同部门的情况。)

14. The manual explains the proper use of the product and the maintenance thereof to extend its lifespan. (该手册解释了产品的正确使用以及其维护以延长使用寿命。)

15. The terms and conditions of the employment contract and the termination thereof are governed by the labor laws of the respective jurisdiction. (雇佣合同的条款和条件以及其终止受到各自司法管辖区的劳动法律的约束。)

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