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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:14


1. The soup was so thick that you could stand a spoon in it. 这汤太浓稠了,勺子都能立在里面。

2. The fog was so thick that I could barely see in front of me. 雾气太浓了,我几乎看不到前面的景象。

3. She has thick, curly hair that is the envy of many. 她拥有浓密卷曲的头发,让很多人羡慕。

4. The plot of the novel was thick with intrigue and suspense. 这部小说的情节充满了阴谋和悬念。

5. The steak was cooked to a perfect medium thickness. 这块牛排煮得刚刚好,厚度适中。

6. The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension as the meeting began. 会议一开始,房间里的气氛变得紧张起来。

7. The thick forest was home to a variety of wildlife. 这片浓密的森林是各种野生动物的家园。

8. She spread a thick layer of peanut butter on her toast. 她在面包上抹了一层厚厚的花生酱。

9. The thick fog obscured the view of the mountains in the distance. 浓雾遮蔽了远处山脉的视野。

10. The fabric of the sofa was thick and durable. 沙发的织物很厚实,耐用。

11. The air was thick with the smell of flowers in the garden. 花园里弥漫着浓厚的花香。

12. He had a thick accent that was difficult to understand. 他有一种浓重的口音,很难听懂。

13. The thick ice on the pond was perfect for skating. 池塘上的厚冰非常适合滑冰。

14. The book was so thick that it took me weeks to finish it. 这本书太厚了,我花了好几个星期才读完。

15. She applied a thick layer of sunscreen to protect her skin from the sun. 她涂上了厚厚的一层防晒霜,以保护皮肤不受阳光伤害。

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