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时间: 2024-09-17 13:14:11


1. She was so thin that her ribs were visible. (她瘦得肋骨都能看见。)

2. The paper was so thin that it tore easily. (纸张太薄,容易撕裂。)

3. The ice on the pond was thin and fragile. (池塘上的冰很薄,很容易破碎。)

4. She sliced the cucumber into thin, even pieces. (她把黄瓜切成薄薄的均匀片。)

5. The air at that altitude is very thin. (那个高度的空气很稀薄。)

6. He has a thin face and sharp features. (他的脸很瘦,轮廓很分明。)

7. The book is thin, but it's packed with information. (这本书很薄,但内容很丰富。)

8. She has a thin, reedy voice. (她的声音尖细。)

9. The chances of success are very thin. (成功的可能性很渺茫。)

10. The fabric is thin and transparent. (这种织物很薄,透明。)

11. He made a thin excuse for being late. (他为迟到找了个牵强的借口。)

12. She put on a thin layer of sunscreen. (她涂了一层薄薄的防晒霜。)

13. The soup was too thin, so she added more vegetables to thicken it. (汤太稀了,她加了更多的蔬菜使它变浓稠。)

14. She gave him a thin smile, not really convinced. (她勉强笑了笑,并不真的相信。)

15. The plot of the movie was thin and predictable. (电影的情节单薄而且容易预料。)

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